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On palju Ukraina põgenikke, kes on saanud “ekspertideks läbi kogemuse” ja aitavad nüüd teisi põgenikke meie riikides. Nordplusi toetusel arendame õppesisu Ukraina päritolu inimestele, kes on einevates olukordades ja keskkondades saamas või juba saanud mentoriteks teistele põgenikele.

Meie projekti pealkiri on “Koolitusmoodulid kaaslaste toetuseks Ukraina põgenikele”. Meie esimene kohtumine toimus selle projekti raames paar nädala eest Riias, kus kohtusime esmakordselt oma kolleegidega Läti Diakooniast ning Elena ja Timoga Diakonissalaitosest (Oulu, Soome).

Põhjamaade Ministrite Nõukogu haridusprogrammi Nordplus eesmärk on soodustada ja tugevdada koostööd Põhja- ja Baltimaade vahel üld-, kõrg- ja täiskasvanuhariduses.

Programm toetab õpirännet, projekte ja võrgustikke ning on suunatud hariduse ja elukestva õppega seotud asutustele ja organisatsioonidele.

The project is funded by Nordplus Adult 2023. Project duration: 05/2023 – 11/2024.

Diaconia organisations in Latvia, Estonia, and Finland are all experienced in the field of social work and education. Also, they provide support to refugees of war. The focus of this collaboration is on the development of online learning experiences for local Ukrainians who are willing to support other Ukrainian refugees as they look for education and work opportunities, which will provide a sense of security and stability in their new home. 

A professional profile of a mentor, a core curriculum, five e-modules for supervised or independent learning, and supporting material, including videos, questionnaires, and checklists, will be developed and published on e-learning platforms and websites in English and in Ukrainian during this project to equip new mentors for the job. 

There is a strong emphasis on the needs assessment phase prior to the development of any material, by inviting relevant stakeholders and, most importantly, our experts by experience to have a say about the content and form of the e-learning, mostly using semi-structured interviews and discussions in social networks. 

E-learning will be piloted and subsequently improved in all countries, inviting at least 30 Ukrainian experts by experience in each country to test separate modules and supporting content. The feedback loop will facilitate the dissemination of the outcomes and outputs at different stages of the project, reaching and engaging wider audiences. 

Key themes of the e-learning course: trauma-informed approach, mentoring skills, and self-care; cultural competency, local laws and regulations, job search and career development, education and training opportunities; advocacy, network building, and community sponsorship. 

This is the first collaboration project between the Diaconia organisations, which will lay a solid foundation for future cooperation, given the similar challenges, goals, and educational activities of all partners, and the importance of sharing the best and most promising practices.